GeoGPS Geodezja i Geoinformacja was founded in 2007, currently the team is made up of surveyor engineers with many years of experience in the geodetic industry, both on the domestic and foreign market. We honed our skills in the largest geodetic and engineering companies in the country and while working on investments for international corporations.

Extensive experience is supported by solid and constantly expanding geodetic education. Our surveyors speak English and Spanish fluently and German in a communicative level, which ensures good communication and clear rules of cooperation also in the case of a client from abroad. Thanks to this, we are able to take on any task set before us.


  • many years of international experience gained while working on very large investments;
  • cooperation with Polish and foreign companies;
  • modern geodetic equipment that guarantees speed, accuracy and reliability of measurements;
  • professional qualifications in all areas allowing comprehensive implementation of each investment;
  • comprehensive services – from preparation of necessary documentation to as-built inventory;

Our partners and customers